5. 4. 2023

Martin Holler as Session Co-Chair at the IBA Annual Conference in Chille 2023

On 20 April 2023, Martin Holler, partner of Giese & Partner, will participate as Co-Chair in the “Real estate financing during a high inflation period” session at the 13th Annual IBA Real Estate Investments Conference in Santiago, Chile.

“A panel of experts will look at how the current high inflation rates have affected the financing of real estate market, its asset valuation and how real estate companies and clients have to deal with that.”

Session Co-Chairs
Martin Holler Giese & Partner, Prague; Advisory Board Member, IBA Real Estate Section
Carolina Menichetti, MBC Abogados, Santiago

Mariana Gomez, Managing Director Legal, Credicorp Capital, Santiago
Fernando Sanchez, Chaigneau Chairman, Independencia AGF, Santiago
Ignacio Torino Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal, Buenos Aires
Diego Yavar, Grupo Patio, Santiago

Conference Programme >>

International Bar Association >>

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