24. 9. 2024

67. DACH - Tagung 2024 in Athen - Dagmar Junková als Pannelistin

Am 27. September 2024 nimmt unsere Kollegin Dagmar Junková als Pannelistin am Panel Arbeitsrecht im Rahmen der 67. DACH - Tagung in Athen zum Thema "Mobilität & Homeoffice: Globale Herausforderungen und Chancen" teil und wird über die neuesten Entwicklungen im tschechischen Arbeitsrecht referieren.

Weitere Pannelisten: Marije H.J. van der Tol (Niederlande), Massimo Fontana Ros (Italien), Steffen Albicker (Deutschland)

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Mgr. Dagmar Junková

Mgr. Dagmar Junková

News & Publications

G&P Photo Contest 2024

G&P Photo Contest 2024

Giese & Partner has announced a photo contest among its team members this year focusing on "Gardens and Parks".

Law - Made in Germany Symposium 2024 in Prague

Law - Made in Germany Symposium 2024 in Prague

On October 10, 2024, our colleague Ondřej Rathouský will paticipate as speaker on the occasion of the Law - Made in Germany Symposium 2024 in Prague and speak about difficulties in enforcing foreign arbitration awards. Dr. Giese will briefly introduce the iniciative Law - Made in Germany.

IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024 – Martin Holler as Session Co-Chair

IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024 – Martin Holler as Session Co-Chair

On 16 September 2024, Martin Holler, member of IBA Real Estate Section Advisory Board will co-chair a session on Conversion of excess office space into other property sectors at the IBA Annual Conference in Mexico City.