5. 11. 2021

Team News: Newcomers

Giese & Partner is pleased to introduce to you new members of our Prague and Bratislava teams:

Mgr. Dagmar Junková

Dagmar extended our Prague team of Czech attorneys in September 2021. She graduated from the School of Law at Charles University in Prague in 2007 and was admitted to the Czech Bar Association (ČAK) in 2011. Dagmar specializes in employment and immigration law, corporate law and litigation. She speaks Czech, German and English.

Mgr. Veronika Kvašňovská

Veronika joined our Bratislava team as junior lawyer in September 2021 after having graduated from the School of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava. Veronika specializes in procedural law, civil law, real estate projects and international law. She speaks Slovak, English and German.

News & Publications

IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024 – Martin Holler as Sassion Co-Chair

IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024 – Martin Holler as Sassion Co-Chair

On 16 September 2024, Martin Holler, member of IBA Real Estate Section Advisory Board will co-chair a session on Conversion of excess office space into other property sectors at the IBA Annual Conference in Mexico City.

Team News: David Benčat New Junior Lawyer in Bratislava

Team News: David Benčat New Junior Lawyer in Bratislava

David joined our Bratislava team as junior lawyer in April 2024. Since graduating from Comenius University and University of Economics in Bratislava in 2022 he has specialized in corporate law, insolvency law and financial law.

Gesellschaftsrechtliche Nebenvereinbarungen in Tschechien

Gesellschaftsrechtliche Nebenvereinbarungen in Tschechien

Das Kapitel zu Tschechien von Martin Holler im Handbuch Gesellschaftsrechtliche Nebenvereinbarungen in Europa gewährt einen Überblick über schuldrechtliche Nebenvereinbarungen von Gesellschaftern verschiedener Handelsgesellschaften nach dem tschechischen Recht.